Title: RITUAL BOOK OF HERBAL SPELLS: A Collection of Unusual Spells From Hither and Yon, Incorporating the Use of Herbs
Author: Aima
Publisher: Foibles Publications
City: USA (No City Provided)Year: 1980 (Third Edition)Binding Style: Softcover
Pagination: 144, followed by several blank "Notes" pagesIllustrated: No
Book Details + Condition: Scarce 1980 edition of RITUAL BOOK OF HERBAL SPELLS by Aima. In overall very good condition: only minor shelf wear, mainly from storage; book has not been read. "This
book has been written in an endeavor to meet the requests which have poured in
to us from many sources over a period of several years, for a complete Formula
Book covering the Occult and Metaphysical uses of herbs. The material contained
herein has been gathered from legendary, mythological, historical, occult and
craft sources. It comes from many cultures, countries and ages. Much of the
information was handed down orally by one Voodoo Master to his successor, by
one Qabalist to another or in Coven Meetings by Masters of the Craft. The
author is an hereditary Witch and Qabalist. Through long experience, deep
study, and many esoteric contacts, she has gained much knowledge in the Occult
sciences, Spiritual and Craft matters. She makes no claims as to the
authenticity or veracity of the contents herein. However, these spells,
formulas and rituals, are well known, recommended and used by many people all
over the world, who have faith in the Occult, Witchcraft and Spirtual Sciences."