MODERNE WUNDER: Natürliche Erklärung Der Neueren Und Alteren Geheimnisse Der Spiritisten Und Antispiritisten, Geistercitierer, Hellseher, Gedankenleser, Heilmedien, Mnemotechniker, Rechenkünstler Sowie Der Neueren Sensationellen Wunder Und Darstellungen Aus Dem Gebiete Der Optik, Physik Und Mechanik (ENGLISH: Modern Wonder: A Natural Explanation of The Older As Well As Recent Secrets of Spiritualists and Anti-Spiritualists, Ghost Sitters, Clairvoyants, Thought Readers and Healing Media) — By Carl Wellmann, 1892 — Occult, Magic, Mentalism
Publisher: Otto Spamer, Leipzig (1892)
German book (please see above for full title). Translated title: "Modern Wonder: A Natural Explanation of The Older As Well As Recent Secrets of Spiritualists and Anti-Spiritualists, Ghost Sitters, Clairvoyants, Thought Readers and Healing Media." In well preserved condition. 1892. 319 pages, with illustrations throughout. The boards and binding are solid and tight save for some chipping to the spine ends and shelfwear. The pages are crisp and clean. A wonderful historical find from the late 19th century, with brilliant photographs and illustrations on magic, the occult, and natural oddities/wonders.