Title: THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE ROSY CROSS: Being Records of the House of the Holy Spirit in Its Inward and Outward History
Author: Arthur Edward Waite
Publisher: William Rider & Son Limited
City: LondonYear: 1924 (First Edition)Binding Style: Hardcover
Pagination: 649Illustrated: Yes
Book Details + Condition: First edition from 1924 of AE Waite's THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE ROSY CROSS: Being Records of the House of the Holy Spirit in Its Inward and Outward History. In very good condition: boards and binding are solid and tight with light
shelfwear; bumped corners; small bump/indent on back board; slight fading to spine; former owner's name (etc) on front endpaper; light foxing on first few blank pages; old tape along spine between frontis and title page; and what appears to be a protective clear gloss over the boards (old). The 649
hand-cut pages are crisp and clean save for a few spots of underlining, and only in the footnotes. CONTENTS: Mythical Rosicrucian Precursors - Militia
Crucifera Evangelica - Alchemists and Mystics - Symbolism of the Rose and Cross
- Fama Fraternitatis - The Chemical Nuptials - Authorship of the Chemical
Nuptials - Development of Rosicrucian Literature - English Rosicrucians - A
Great German Alchemist - Later Continental History - The Awakening in England -
German Rosicrucians - The Ritual and Masonic Period - Rosy and Golden Cross -
Saint-Germain and Cagliostro - Fratres Lucis - The Rosy Cross in Russia -
English Rosicrucianism - A Modern Rosicrucian Order - A Kabalistic Order of the
Rose-Croix - The American Rosy Cross - Last Developments of the Mystery.