BYGONE BELIEFS: BEING A SERIES OF EXCURSIONS IN THE BYWAYS OF THOUGHT — by H. Stanley Redgrove — 1st Edition / 1st Printing 1920 — Witchcraft Alchemy Talismans Occult MAGIC
Publisher: William Rider & Son, London (1920)
The boards and binding are solid and tight, with light shelfwear. The pages are crisp and clean, and free of interior markings. "H. Stanley Redgrove was an expert in the study of superstitions and the occult, and wrote several books on these and other related subjects, as well as being a prolific contributor to The Occult Review. In this book he expounds on his opinion that there is a reason for every belief, even the most fantastic, and that it should be our objective to discover this reason. He considers that it is too easy for the superficial thinker to dismiss much of the thought of the past as mere superstition, not worth the trouble of investigation: but that is not scientific. The book's 205 pages contain twelve comprehensive chapters plus many illustrations." Please see below for a sampling of the book's Contents.
Contents Include:
- Pythagoras and his Philosophy - Medicine and Magic - Superstitions concerning Birds - The Powder of Sympathy - Ceremonial Magic in Theory and Practice - The Quest of the Philosopher's Stone - The Phallic Element in Alchemical Doctrine - Roger Bacon: An Appreciation - The Cambridge Platonists ... And Much More