FAMILY GHOSTS AND GHOSTLY PHENOMENA — Elliott O'Donnell — 1st Edition / 1st Printing, 1933 SUPERNATURAL GHOST ACTIVITY Publisher: Philip Allan, London (1933)
Scarce first edition from 1933 of "Family Ghosts and Ghostly Phenomena" by Elliott O'Donnell, in very well preserved condition. 280 pages, with book reviews following. The boards and binding are solid and tight with little shelfwear. The pages are crisp and clean. O'Donnell focuses on paranormal investigations using the latest scientific techniques and technology of the day, to investigate supernatural activity in Ireland, Scotland and England. Please see below for more information on Elliott O'Donnell.
O'Donnell (27 February 1872 – 8 May 1965) was an author known primarily for his
books about ghosts. He claimed to have seen a ghost, described as an elemental
figure covered with spots, when he was five years old. He also claimed to have
been strangled by a mysterious phantom in Dublin (however, no permanent effect
would seem to have been suffered). He became known
as an authority on the supernatural, and was called upon as a ghost hunter. He also
lectured and broadcast (radio and television) on the paranormal in Britain and
the United States. In addition to his more than 50 books, he wrote scores of
articles and stories for national newspapers and magazines. He claimed "I
have investigated, sometimes alone, and sometimes with other people and the
press, many cases of reputed hauntings. I believe in ghosts but am not a
spiritualist." [Wikipedia]