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1876 - Die Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments Verdeutscht von D. Martin Luther. Mit Zweihundert und Dreissig Bildern von Gustav Dorč. 6. Auflage. 2 Bänden. Prachtausgabe der Dore-Bibel.
English Translation: 1876 - The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments Are Translated by D. Martin Luther. With Two Hundred and Thirty Pictures by Gustave Dore. 5th edition. Volume One out of Two, with 177 Gustave Dore Illustrations
Publisher: Eduard Hallberger, Stuttgart (1876)
First volume of a two-volume set of "Die Heilige Schrift Alten Und Neuen Testaments" (The Holy Bible Old & New Testaments), illustrated by Gustav Dore, from 1876, with 177 illustrations. This is the elephant portfolio measuring 13 x 17 inches and weighing 16 pounds. In overall fine condition. The boards and binding are solid and tight save for some shelf-wear and a chip to the top spine. The three-sided gilt pages are IN NEAR MINT CONDITION and are CRISP AND CLEAN. A very rare, solid, crisp and clean copy of a German Martin Luther Bible — in an elephant portfolio size — beautifully illustrated by Gustave Dore for your collection. Please see below for more description of this beautiful piece.
Further Description
Original red morocco spine, original gold design end papers covered
heavy boards. Front sides with large gilded oval pictures, within
gilded decorative borders, lower outer panels with large decorative centerpieces within a broad blind tooled decorative
borders. All edges gilded. Original white moiré silk limp end papers. Four unnumbered leaves (versos blank) being family register
(births, marriages, deaths) with abundant decorative ornamental black
borders (no entries) preceding volume I (Old Testament), 775 pages printed in double columns with separate pagination to each column separated by abundant decorative vertical border including illustrations after christian symbols and symbolism. Captioned monochrome
frontispieces, 177 captioned fine monochrome plates on limp paper
(VERSOS BLANK) list of
plates, tables of contents. German language Lutheran Protestant Bible
(Old and New Testament, Apocrypha and the Song of Songs), originally
translated from Hebrew and ancient Greek into German by the cleric,
originally of the Roman Catholic faith, Martin Luther and it became a
force in shaping modern High German language. The beautiful monochrome
plates featuring fabulous biblical sceneries, include some of
topographical nature (interpreted) done by the famous 19th century French artist, engraver and sculptor Gustave Doré (1832-1883), best
known for his great skill in his wood- and steel engravings, expressing a
dramatic impact.