Title: Revised Knight Templarism Illustrated: A Full and Complete Illustrated Ritual of the Six Degrees of the Council and Commandery Comprising the Degrees of Royal Master, Select Master, Super Excellent Master, Knight of the Red Cross, Knight Templar and Knight of Malta
Author: Charles A. Blanchard
Publisher: Ezra A. Cook
City: Chicago
Year: 1961Binding Style: Hardcover
Pagination: 341, followed by publisher's catalogueIllustrated: Yes
Book Details + Condition: 1961 edition of Charles Blanchard's Revised Knight Templarism Illustrated: A Full and Complete Illustrated Ritual of the Six Degrees of the Council and Commandery Comprising the Degrees of Royal Master, Select Master, Super Excellent Master, Knight of the Red Cross, Knight Templar and Knight of Malta. Illustrated throughout with b&w drawings. In very good condition: tight binding; bumped and rubbed corners; light shelfwear to boards; text is clean and unmarked save some age toning. Small vintage Weiser bookseller sticker on inside front board. Measures 6.25" x 5".