Title: LIGHT FROM THE SANCTUARY OF THE ROYAL ARCH: A Treatise on the Symbolism, Philosophy and Teachings of Ancient Craft Masonry, Culminating in the Sublime and August Degree of the Royal Arch
Book Details + Condition: Second edition from 1947 of Charles Albert Snodgrass' LIGHT FROM THE SANCTUARY OF THE ROYAL ARCH: A Treatise on the Symbolism, Philosophy and Teachings of Ancient Craft Masonry, Culminating in the Sublime and August Degree of the Royal Arch. Published by Masonic History Agency (Chattanooga, TN). 226 pages; includes black-and-white illustrations and colored plates. Publisher's original red cloth boards with gilt on front and on spine. Contains esoteric information related to the history, initiatory degrees and rituals of The Royal Arch of Freemasonry. CONTENTS: The Ancient Mysteries; The Golden Legend and the Resurrection; The Blue Lodge, the Great Mother; Capitular Masonry; The Symbolic Structure of Masonry; Symbolism; Masonic Geometry; and much more. In very good condition: minor shelfwear; light rubbing to corners; interior is clean and free of markings.