Title: The Practice of Magical Evocation:
Instructions for Invoking Spirit Beings from the Spheres Surrounding Us
Author: Franz Bardon
Publisher: Dieter Ruggeberg
City: Wuppertal, Western GermanyYear: 1991 Binding Style: Hardcover
492 pp + 4 pp of advertisements at rear Illustrated: Yes
Book Details + Condition: Scarce 1991 edition of Franz Bardon's The Practice of Magical Evocation: Instructions for Invoking Spirit Beings from the Spheres Surrounding Us. Purple cloth with gilt title, etc. on spine, gilt illustration on front cover, black-and-white and color illustrations. In very good condition: Light
bruising and rubbing to spine ends and corners; a few faint marks to page
edges; text is clean and free of interior markings. Dust jacket is a bit
chafed and creased at edges and folds, panels rubbed, not clipped. This is Bardon's second work, and outlines in detail the practices of
the ritual magician, and the ways by which he or she can evoke and commune with
the spirit hierarchies. Bardon presents a detailed cosmology while also offering a practical analysis.