THE THOUGHT DIAL WAY TO A HEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE — By Sydney Omarr — 1st Edition / 1st Printing, 1969 HC/DJ — Astrology, Numerology, Divination, Includes Spinning Prediction Wheel Publisher: Hawthorne Books Publishers, New York (1969)
In well preserved condition. 206 pp. The boards and binding are solid and tight with minimal shelfwear. The pages are crisp and clean. The dust jacket is in well preserved condition with some fading and wear to the covers. It remains uncut, with the original price still present. Includes the "Thought Dial Wheel". The wheel has some wear and does rotate clockwise as the book suggests for best results, but is fragile. The Thought Dial Method uses a combination of numerology, astrology and your own psychic abilities to effectively predict which choices will give you the most desired outcome through the use of the "Thought Dial Wheel," along with the instructions described in the book. Some listed benefits of using the "Thought Dial Method" include:
- Discover the Kind of Man or Woman You Want to Attract
- Answering Direct Questions About Romantic Situations
- Helping Make Yes or No Decisions in Business
- Taking Advantage of Opportunities
- Achieving Sexual Satisfaction
- Locating Lost Articles
- Picking Winner in Sports Events
(As listed on the dust jacket)
Sydney Omarr (5 August 1926 – 2 January 2003), born Sidney Kimmelman in Philadelphia was an American astrologer and an astrology consultant to the rich and famous. His daily Sun Sign Horoscope column appeared in more than 200 newspapers and his annual forecast books for each sign of the zodiac sold over 50 million copies. He served with the Air Force in the Pacific during World War II. After predicting the death of President Roosevelt, the Armed Forces Radio assigned him to a horoscope show; he thus became the first official astrologer in U.S. Army history. After the war, he wrote articles on astrology and appeared in radio shows. He was also a CBS radio news editor in Los Angeles. His astrology columns appeared in some 225 newspapers, and at the height of his success he moved to Hollywood. His books on astrology include: Astrology: Its Role in Your Life (1963); My World of Astrology (1965); Dream-Scope (1973); The Thought Dial Way to a Healthy & Successful Life (1973); Sydney Omarr's Astrological Guide (1974); Sydney Omarr's Astrological Guide to Sex and Love (1974). By the 1970s, Omarr appeared on various radio and television shows such as The Merv Griffin Show and Johnny Carson. He was friendly with famous movie actresses like Mae West and associated with authors like Henry Miller and Aldous Huxley.