Title: The Greater Key of Solomon; Including a Clear
and Precise Exposition of King Solomon's Secret Procedure, Its Mysteries and
Magic Rites. Original Plates, Charms and Talismans
Author: S.L. MacGregor
Mathers, Editor & Translator, Additional matter by L.W. de Laurence
Publisher: The De Laurence Company
City: ChicagoYear: Stated 1914; most likely 1940sBinding Style: Hardcover
Pagination: 130Illustrated: Yes
Book Details + Condition: The Greater Key of Solomon; Including a
Clear and Precise Exposition of King Solomon's Secret Procedure, Its Mysteries
and Magic Rites. Original Plates, Charms and Talismans. Translated from Ancient
Manuscripts in the British Museum, London. MacGregor Mathers was one of
the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the fraternity in which
Aleister Crowley got his early magical training, and which had a profound
influence on his own occult career. De Laurence was well known for taking other
peoples' works and reissuing them under his own name (sometimes retitling them
in the process), although in this case he has merely granted himself
editorship. This volume has the copyright date 1914 on the verso of the title
page, and the typography of the time, but to judge from the binding it is most likely a later reprint, perhaps dating from the 1940s. In very good condition: minor shelf wear; browning to endpapers; small vintage occult bookseller label on front and rear inside boards; a few stray smudges; interior is otherwise clean and free of markings.