Title: The History of Magic, Including A Clear and Precise Exposition of its Procedure, Its Rites and its Mysteries
Author: Eliphas Levi
Publisher: David McKay
City: Philadelphia
Year: 1914 (First American Edition)Binding Style: Hardcover
Pagination: 536Illustrated: Yes
Book Details + Condition: Scarce First American Edition from 1914 of "The History of Magic, Including A Clear and Precise Exposition of its Procedure, Its Rites and its Mysteries". Translated with a preface and notes by Arthur Edward Waite. Frontispiece portrait from a photograph of the author, with illustrated plates from diagrams and drawings by the author. Publisher's blue cloth ruled with ornamental gilt borders, spine ruled and lettered in gilt, top edge gilt. Eliphas Lévi Zahed, born Alphonse Louis Constant, was a French occult author, socialist, and ceremonial magician. "Histoire de la Magie" was first published in 1860. Lévi exerted a profound influence on those who would follow: the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Helen Blavatsky, and Aleister Crowley to name a few. Light rubbing at ends of slightly darkened spine; light soiling to endpapers and edges, a few occasional stains within; otherwise near fine condition.