Title: Where are the Dead? Or Spiritualism
Explained: An Account of the Astounding Phenomena of Spiritualism, Affording
Positive Proof by Undeniable Facts that Those We Mourn as; Dead are Still Alive
and can Communicate with Us; That Spiritualism is Sanctioned by Scripture, and
Consistent with Science and Common Sense - With Specimens of Communications
Received; Extracts from its Literature; Advice to Investigators; Addresses of
Mediums; and All Useful Information.
Author: Fritz (Anonymous)
Publisher: A. Ireland & Co.
City: Manchester, England Year: 1873 (First Edition)Binding Style: Hardcover
Pagination: 214Illustrated: No
Book Details + Condition: Exceptionally scarce first edition from 1873. Original off-white cloth with lengthy
title printed on the front board. Small octavo. An anonymously written (by "Fritz") "compilation of the results of twelve months study of the phenomena and
literature of Spiritualism" with the object of conveying to the public a
better understanding of what Spiritualism is and what it is used for. Overall a
solid, good copy: Cloth darkened, discolored and rubbed with some fading of the title; bookplate of "T.J. Ring" on front inside board,
and "Greater World Association" private library ink stamps on both
paste-downs; page edges and endpapers darkened and discolored; rear endpapers
split at inner hinge but hinge solid, pages toned with a few creased corners. A fascinating and very rare work (to our knowledge, the only copy available for sale) on the study of contemporary Spiritualism.